Box Woodland Project (2013-2015)

The Chilterns Conservation Board launched the Chilterns Box Woodland Project in January 2013 to research, conserve and celebrate the area’s box heritage. This work was made possible through a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, with assistance from numerous volunteers. The funded project came to an end in June 2015.

Continuing to look after box heritage

Volunteers, landowners and others will continue the work that was begun by the Chilterns Box Woodland Project, and this website will be updated with any significant developments. There are several documents and resources freely available on this website for ongoing use, including a walk leaflet, management guidance and teaching material for primary schools. Box plants grown from Chilterns cuttings gathered in 2014 will be provided to appropriate planting schemes in the Chilterns and beyond. The Chilterns Conservation Board also encourages public events inspired by Chilterns box heritage and continuing research into box heritage.



European Boxwood and Topiary Society

The European Boxwood and Topiary Society (EBTS) is devoted to encouraging the appreciation, cultivation and knowledge of boxwood and topiary and to further extend both historic and scientific research in the subject. Its aims are to encourage, improve and extend the cultivation of boxwood and to disseminate knowledge of boxwood and topiary, in all its forms, by means of publications, promotions, exhibitions, scientific research, European co-operation and exchange, conferences and visits, various meetings and other appropriate activities.

You can find out more about the EBTS on their website.

Free education resources

Box education resources for schools

Children aged 7 to 11 years can look forward to a varied and inspiring range of indoor and outdoor activities linked to the Key Stage 2 curriculum subjects of art, music, geography, mathematics and more.

Primary school teachers, Forest School leaders, Brownie leaders, Beavers/Cubs leaders and others are invited to make use of resources that are free to download and hire:

1. Activity sheets to plan indoor and outdoor classroom sessions.

2. Interesting images and key facts on PowerPoint slides to inspire and prompt children in the classroom.

3. Short films about Box Growing Wild; Box in the Garden (see clip below); Making Music with Box; Making Objects with Boxwood; Making Art with Boxwood. Use the activity sheets to link these films to learning activities and resources.

4. Set of physical objects to use for activities, including equipment to grow box cuttings, printing equipment, blocks of different timbers, boxwood decorative objects, laminated pictures.

Contact the Chilterns Conservation Board to arrange to hire a crate of resources for free (collection and return of materials must be arranged by the hirer and a deposit to cover damage and loss will be required). Call 01844 355500 or email

Activity card 1A box tree detectives
Activity Card 1B box and biodiversity
Activity Card 1C My box tree survey
Activity Card 1D Keeping records
Activity Card 2A Reproduction in box
Activity card 2B History of box
Activity Card 3A Get creative with box
Activity Card 3B Musical box wood

Growing box in the garden