Medmenham Camp
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Hillforts of the Chilterns
The Chilterns has one of the largest concentrations of hillforts in the UK. Created for a variety of reasons - from keeping livestock, to showing off status - these mounds, ditches and remnants include a whole range of prehistoric enclosures that were an important part of Iron Age life. Many have left a mark that can still be seen on the landscape today.
Discover the timeline of the Chilterns
There has been a rich and varied geology and history in the Chilterns – from the Cretaceous Period, when shallow seas laid down the distinctive chalk of the area, right up to today’s working landscape.

Chilterns Heritage and Archaeology Partnership
CHAP is an exciting new endeavour which is set to be the ‘voice for archaeology’ in the Chilterns.
Plan your trip to the Chilterns!
Search the interactive map: select from a list of categories to bring up icons showing the location and information of walks, bike rides, places to visit, tasty local products and plenty more across the Chilterns.