Introducing CHAP - an exciting new Heritage and Archaeology Partnership for the Chilterns

Introducing CHAP – an exciting new Heritage and Archaeology Partnership for the Chilterns

With the Festival of British Archaeology upon us, there really is no better to time to launch our exciting new Heritage and Archaeology initiative; CHAP.


You may have heard of the highly successful Heritage Lottery-Funded Beacons of the Past project which ran from 2018 until late 2022. One of the legacies of the project was the creation of a permanent role within the Chilterns Conservation Board’s (CCB) core team for a Heritage & Archaeology Manager (HAM), currently filled by Dr. Wendy Morrison. The HAM represents cultural heritage and archaeology matters on the CCB landscape team, and amongst other aspects of her job, Wendy will be building and managing the Chilterns Heritage & Archaeology Partnership (CHAP).

Today, we are thrilled to officially launch CHAP and bring you information about the initiative and its aspirations.

CHAP will be the driving force in the conservation and sustainable management of heritage and archaeological assets in the Chilterns, working in partnership with organisations and local communities throughout the AONB and environs to effect significant and lasting positive change. Significantly, CHAP can serve as a flagship model for other protected landscapes – the first of its kind in vision. 

Talking about the new initiative, Dr. Wendy Morrison said, “Throughout the Beacons of the Past project, I was lucky enough to work with so many enthusiastic people in the Chilterns to discover more about the archaeology of the landscape.  Communicating the past to people across the Chilterns was a real highlight for me, so I am delighted that I will now be able to look beyond hillforts and engage with the wider wealth of archaeology and historic aspects across the AONB. This partnership will bring together organisations and people to deliver a significant and positive future for our past.”

Wendy continued, “CHAP models itself after the highly successful Chilterns Chalk Streams Project (CCSP), a partnership celebrating a quarter of a century of commitment to improving the state of the fragile Chilterns waterways. Where CCSP is the ‘voice for chalk streams,’ CHAP will be the voice for heritage and archaeology.”

Chilterns ANOB

Dr. Wendy Morrison, Heritage and Archaeology Manager

A partnership for everyone

CHAP aims involve all kinds of people with archaeology. Some of the activities it would like to be involved with include: 

  • Public talks for community groups. 
  • Volunteering opportunities – try your hand at archaeological fieldwork or citizen science, helping to identify new sites and significant archaeological features, or helping to monitor their condition – we’ll give training, advice and support. 
  • Providing advice and support to landowners on managing land with heritage assets and archaeological features. 
  • Helping schools to teach archaeological skills. 
  • Working with academic institutions to encourage heritage research and learning. 
  • Providing online education resources. 

If you would like to get involved or join the Partnership, do get in touch by emailing 

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