Introducing the Northern Chilterns farmer cluster
Last year, following the success of the central Chilterns farmer cluster, we developed a new farmer cluster in the Northern Chilterns.
The brand-new cluster, which brings together 15 enthusiastic farmers from the Dunstable and Luton area, was funded through our Farming in Protected Landscapes programme.
Some of the initial projects implemented last year included a winter bird feeding programme, winter bird surveys, and a series of farming workshops.
With the new cluster now fully established, we are delighted to provide further funding for another 18 months.
The £365k funding package includes supplying 15 tonnes of seed for more supplementary bird feeding; two more winters of bird surveys; ecological advice for habitat creation and management; farm carbon assessments and soil sampling; 6.8km of hedgerow planting; and six additional themed workshops with expert speakers.
The programme is working with Bucks Bird Club to support a further four farmers outside of the cluster with a Corn Bunting feeding and ringing project this winter. We hope to extend the Northern Chilterns farmer cluster to include these four additional farms in the coming months.
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