Managing your land for nature

Managing your land for nature

Find out about the training and support we offer to farmers and landowners, and conservation techniques like traditional hedgelaying.

Traditionally, nature conservation has focused on the protection of specific sites, such as nature reserves, where wildlife is abundant and habitats are nearly pristine. These places are important wildlife ‘reservoirs’, where plants and animals thrive, and disturbance is kept to a minimum. But, if we really want our nature to recover and our ecosystems to provide what we need for survival, we need to look beyond the boundaries of these ‘islands’ of biodiversity. Managing, conserving and enhancing the land in between these sites in a wildlife-friendly and sustainable manner is crucial if we are to tackle issues like climate change, food security and biodiversity loss.

The Chilterns Conservation Board (CCB) is a statutory body, so doesn’t own or manage land itself. To ensure we meet our aims to protect and enhance the special qualities of the Chilterns, we work closely with stakeholders, farmers, landowners and managers to reconnect islands of biodiversity and expand habitats across the whole landscape. From town parks to riverside meadows, arable farmland to roadside verges, there are countless opportunities to manage the wider landscape for the benefit of nature. Making space for nature and wildlife also benefits us in many ways, such as providing places for recreation, improving mental well-being, offering economic opportunities, and providing natural resources.

The CCB offers advice and support on how best to look after the landscapes of the Chilterns, while being mindful of the interests of businesses, communities and local people. We provide links to other like-minded individuals, as well as organisations, projects and funding.

Are you a landowner or land manager? We can help you get started on your sustainable land management journey!

Contacts for advice and funding

Chilterns ANOB

Nick Marriner

Role: Nature Recovery Manager
Chilterns ANOB

Harriet Bennett

Role: Landowner & Farming Engagement Adviser
Chilterns ANOB

Farming in Protected Landscapes

Defra’s Farming in Protected Landscapes programme is running from July 2021 to March 2024. It helps farmers and land managers to carry out projects that support nature’s recovery, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and provide opportunities for people to discover and enjoy their landscape and heritage; and, in the process, it supports sustainable farm businesses. We can help you with accessing this funding, from developing an initial project idea to introducing partners and supporting the application process.

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Chilterns ANOB
Chilterns ANOB

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Chilterns ANOB

Farmland wildlife

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