Langley Park Country Park

Langley Park is ancient; its origins can be traced back to 1202 and, fittingly for such an old site, it contains a wealth of veteran and interesting trees. Amongst these is the Langley Park Yew, an ancient and stunning tree, hidden in park’s woods.

The park is also notable for its many other fine specimens of mature trees, especially English oaks, and for its many Wellingtonias, some of which are planted in avenues, making an imposing spectacle.  Special Trees Volunteer Malcolm Wiles estimated one Wellingtonia at the end of an avenue at 24m tall!

Like the park itself, the church of St Mary the Virgin at Langley is also old, apparently dating from around 1150. Within the churchyard is another veteran yew tree, of similar age and size to its nearby neighbour. It also has some cedars, most notably a large Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani), with an impressive girth of 5.22 metres.

Do you know any more about the trees of Langley Park or its Church?  Perhaps the churchyard cedar featured in your wedding photos?  If so, why not get in touch?

The tranquility of the trees and woods at Langley Park inspired a local artist to paint this evening scene which was entered in the 2008 Special Woods Art Competition.

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